How much will Lionel Messi from Argentina and Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal, earn annually? How much is monthly How much is daily And how much is the hour?
If you do not know for the first time their earnings, then surely you will get shocked Messi from Argentina, who plays professional football from Spanish Barcelona, earns 5000 euros an hour. The Nepalese rupee is currently at Rs. Six lac thirty one thousand nine hundred and eighty
Looking at this result Messi earns a Total of 10 million euros a year. Its Nepalese rupees is 6 Arba 31 coror 58 lac 98 lac 9 thousand 6 hundred and 65 only.
Likewise, Ronaldo, currently playing from Italian Juventus, earns 3800 euros an hour. His one hour earnings Nepalese rupees 4 lac 80 thousand 3 hundred 5
His annual earnings in Nepalese rupees is 3 Arab 91 coror 82 lac
Looking at this statistic , Messi earns more than 1200 euros an hour more than his typical rival Ronaldo. It is 1 lakh 51 thousand more in Nepalese rupees